Natural and effective long-term treatment for eczema using homeopathy
Eczema is one of the most common forms of skin conditions and affects up to 20% of school children and 7-8% of adults. It is an incredibly uncomfortable condition to live with, and conventional medicine sadly tends to be palliative rather than curative. GPs will prescribe antibiotics or hydrocortisone creams to manage symptoms which may help in the short-term. However, these creams can be damaging to the skin and can become ineffective over time.
Eczema is a symptom of a deeper cause, and thankfully, homeopathy recognises this and works to address the problem at its root. I will spend time asking you or your child about your symptoms, but also about you as a person as well as your medical history to access the root of the problem. I will seek to understand more about you physically but also emotionally, to find a gentle, safe and effective remedy to match you as a person.
I will also ask you what you like and dislike and what other symptoms are bothering you at the moment (on a physical, mental and emotional level). As your eczema starts to improve, you should also start to see an improvement with other symptoms too. Many of my patients say they feel better all-round, or that they have increased energy levels after taking homeopathic remedies.