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Lockdown impacts people in different ways. Fin, a usually lovely little boy, changed into a 'little monster', becoming rude, aggressive and frustrated, displaying some unusual symptoms. Following a minor homeopathic intervention Fin returned to his normal happy and healthy self. 


In August I was contacted by a woman who was looking for some help with her five year-old son’s challenging behaviour. Fin was usually a very happy, cheerful, outgoing little boy but since lockdown had become increasingly hard to manage. Fin’s mother has kindly given me permission to share his story. 


After two or three weeks of lockdown, Fin’s usual cheerful and sociable self had changed into an angry, violent and restless ‘little monster’ quite unlike anything his mother had seen before in him. He became rude to his parents and refused to do anything he was asked to do, and he started throwing toys and anything that was in sight at his parents and younger brother. His catchphrases became “What can I do?”, “Where are we going?” which might not sound unusual for an active child, however his mother said this was unusual for him; he had always been energetic but could usually entertain himself for ages playing with his toys or sitting and drawing. When they went out for walks or picnics Fin would be much better and get extremely excited about going anywhere. “I just need to go out” was another catchphrase which was very hard to deal with in lockdown. 


In July they had gone on holiday for a week to a holiday cottage in Devon. He had been much better that week, had loved swimming in the sea and being by the seaside. However, as soon as they returned home the rudeness and ‘caged in’ behaviour resumed. Fin also started banging his head repeatedly against the wall and grinding his teeth in anger if he wasn’t getting what he wanted. At bedtime he would become fearful as soon as it was time to turn the light out, and this was unusual as he’d previously slept in the dark without a fuss. 

I asked about any other fears Fin had. She said he was extremely afraid of cats and was possibly allergic to cats. 


I then asked Fin’s mother about any physical symptoms as so far it had been all about his mental symptoms. She said since he was a baby he had had recurrent ear aches and recurrent inflammation of the tonsils. He had been given several courses of antibiotics, which never seemed to work.


Interestingly, she said he had complained of an earache just the day before, but she had forgotten about this as she was more aware of the bad behaviour. She said that even with the earache, he still wanted to go out and became extremely angry when she said he needed to stay at home as he wasn’t well. She said he also had occasional diarrhoea on waking in the morning but that they had never got to the bottom of what was causing it, despite trying elimination diets. 


After discussing this further with his mother the remedy I chose was Tuberculinum, together with a supportive remedy. Fin took one of these pills for three nights and we booked a followed-up appointment for three weeks’ later. When he came back his mother said the old Fin had returned. His rudeness had disappeared; he was no longer throwing his toys, instead he was playing with them like he used to. He had stopped asking “What can I do?” “Where are we going?” and he was altogether a much calmer little boy. He was still petrified of cats and there are a few other symptoms which we are still working on but his fear of the dark had improved massively and he no longer needed lights on at nighttime. His earache had gone and he was much happier all round. 

Contact me to find out more or book an appointment.






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